Fireside chat

IP Applications for OTT Broadcast

Transitioning from Push to Pull Distribution

OTT presents the most significant and decisive change for program distribution in the history of television. As we transition to the highly efficient pull model of delivery, broadcasters are witnessing at first hand the benefits OTT offers both for their viewers and their own monetization opportunities.

Although the internet is often glibly represented as an innocuous cloud, the detail of its operation uncovers a multi-vendor and highly intricate BGP routed IP network that needs to be understood by engineers, technologists and anybody looking to deliver reliable and efficient OTT systems.

Tony Jones, Principal Technologist, MediaKind, and Tony Orme, Editor, The Broadcast Bridge, will openly discuss the technical detail of what it means to distribute real-time broadcast quality programs over the internet using OTT methodologies.

They will cover:

  • What happens when a viewer clicks “play” on their device
  • Push and Pull methodologies and their efficiencies
  • Critical distribution components in OTT delivery and their operation
  • Practical considerations for broadcasters and technologists

Join us for this free session

Date: Thursday, 13th August 2020
Time: 3pm BST | 9am CDT

Session speakers

Tony Orme

Editor, The Broadcast Bridge

Tony Jones

Principal Technologist, MediaKind