Legal archive


MK.IO License Agreement

RevisionReleased for
publication on
23_0601 June 2023
24_0524 May 2024– updated MK.IO trademark;
– updated website links in definitions;
corrected some minor grammatical errors and spelling;
– minor revisions to the following definitions – Usage Quotas, Permitted Purposes;
– updated the definition of Authorized Users and inserted new s.2.5(c) to improve meaning, scope and flexibility of Authorized Users and allocation of user logins by You;
– updated s.5.4 Entertainment Use to remove “only” restriction and better express what is approved vs unapproved use;
– updated s.10.7 to permit planned advertising/marketing unless You object.

MK.IO Service-Level Agreement

RevisionReleased for
publication on
23_071 July 2023
24_0522 May 2024– updated MK.IO trademark;
– corrected some minor grammatical errors and spelling; 
– created MK-US version and MK-UK version.


SaaS/MCA License Agreement

RevisionReleased for
publication on
xxxxXX June 2023
xxxxXX May 2024

Data privacy

MK.IO Data Processing Agreement

RevisionReleased for
publication on
xxxxXX June 2023
xxxxXX May 2024