
Ingest, manage, distribute and enforce advertising & alternate content business rules & workflows

Emmy award-winning* Prisma enables Advertising and/ or Alternate content and Blackout content insertion on any applicable workflow. The workflow can be either Live, Near-Live, or Non-Live, and can span across Broadcast and IP networks. This allows TV Programmers and TV Services Distributors to deliver the maximum monetization potential and also ensure full compliance with linear distribution rights. In addition, Prisma also bridges the gap between TV Programmers and Service Distributors.

Why Prisma?

Maximizing Monetization

Achieve the highest monetization potential with Advanced TV Linear & Targeted Advertising

Ensure full compliance with programmers’ linear rights agreements & local regulations including the most advanced standards (ESNI224)

Leverage industry video & advertising standards

Scaling to millions of consumers and centrally managed with intuitive ‘cockpit style’ dashboards

In the spotlight


MediaKind delivers enhanced Advertising portfolio to unlock monetization potential of advertising and alternate content


Audience data capture and usage: What are the opportunities?

Prisma features

Prisma for Linear TV Advertising

Cost-Optimized Architecture

Combine Aquila solution video transcoding & baseband ad splicing with Prisma Ad serving & ads schedules offline ingest (CCMS/SCTE-118-3)

Upgrade ‘legacy’ TS ad insertion chain to state-of-the-art fully software-based solution with an external ad server or to all-in-one ad serving & splicing

Introduce new inventory monetization options (impression-based with VAST, Hybrid)

Unified ABR backbone content delivery across ‘legacy’ main screen STB and OTT second screen audiences

Prisma for Targeted TV Advertising

Enable new advertising revenues

Deliver user-based targeted ads with TV-like Quality of Experience

Fully standards-based and pre-Integrated with market-leading Ads Decisioning Services (ADS)/ Supply-Side Platforms (SSP) vendors

Impression and quartile-based with a client or server-side beaconing

Prevent data leakage by securing and shielding audience data

Prisma for Alternate Content & Blackout

Comply with all Programmer policies

Fully flexible blackout policies format ingest (SCTE-224, ESNI-I02, Disney-PCC, csv)

Whether content is consumed over “legacy” STB or over IP, distinction is ensured between In-Home and Out-of-Home

Scalable micro-services-based architecture allowing for deployment to be designed according to business needs and demands.




Emmy award winning* Prisma enables Advertising and/or Alternate content & Blackout content insertion on any applicable workflow

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Prisma for Linear TV Advertising

The rise of OTT services and Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI) has not eclipsed the well-established linear advertising business. Delivered regionally or over ad zones, linear ad inventory still represents an attractive and relevant spend for advertisers.

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*2020 Emmy® awarded for Pioneering Deployment of the Event Signaling and Management API within the VSPP/Prisma solution

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